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Awaken… feline reptilian eyes... Third one open wide, my voice the dragon does rise.. Re-membering all parts intensifies a body and face, morphed beautifully from every world race when birthrights and freedoms are threatened as ‘out of place’ killing them didn’t kill their right to exist in time and space Suppression fused fear & hate into our solid shapes All pain that lies beneath… Return Now to my Light to be nurtured & seen No other can hurt me but versions of One me, and All will continually relate All of its onelings… unite my powerful ancestral personalities Bringing the Light Code down deep to the bone, magick inside out I Am Known As Creative as the Great She, and Activated as the Great He Alchemizing this body’s DNA and freeing cellular memory I am of an ancient lineage of a shape-shifting race Integrative wisdom runs through my veins and through all the wondrous dimensions with the wildest grace I am re-membered, supported and in service to this sacred place.

Wild Re-Membering

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